Therapy Dog (aka "The Canine Co-Therapist") - This well-mannered, affectionate dog pairs up with their handler (in the mental health field) to provide support during the pursuit of the identified client's therapeutic goals. Think of them as a furry co-therapist or furry partner. These dogs are NOT afforded any special privileges- they cannot go into establishments with their owner without permission, nor are they exempt from housing policies.
Service Dog (aka "Helper with Four Paws")- This dog receives intensive, customized training to mitigate some of the limitations imposed upon a person by their disability, affording them greater safety and independence. This person/dog team are afforded protections under the ADA, and can go into any establishment, including hospitals, planes, restaurants, etc., and cannot be denied housing based on exclusionary pet/breed policies. With that said, if the dog is being disruptive, the person/dog team can be asked to leave. This dog's job is to help their OWNER, not others. PTDC does NOT provide any service relating to service dogs.
Emotional Service Animal (ESA) (aka "Supportive Pet")- These animals have likely not received any specialized training, but provide love and comfort to their person during times of stress. While the ADA does not grant owners of emotional support animals the right to be accompanied by these animals in establishments that do not permit pets, the Fair Housing Act does allow for disabled owners of emotional support animals to reside in housing that has a “No Pets” policy, as a reasonable accommodation. The Air Carrier Access Act also allows those with proof of a disability (a letter from a primary care provider and/or therapist) the accommodation of being accompanied by an emotional support animal. This dog's job is to help their OWNER, not others. PTDC does NOT provide any service relating to ESAs.
Other important things to note:
Pals Dog Training promotes the use of modern, ethical training techniques through private training, online education, and dog-business consultation. Trainer and Owner Dominic Medina has been educated by leading practitioners and programs and has trained over 1,000 dogs in his 10 years of experience including pets, therapy dogs, and service dogs.
Certificate program that provides comprehensive education, training and practical experience with canines to ethically incorporate dogs into your professional treatment strategies. We emphasize three areas of competence in working with canines: ethics, knowledge, and skill.
Believing that all dogs deserve a safe, loving home, the mission of Retriever Rescue of Colorado is to rescue abandoned, abused, neglected and unwanted retrievers and to promote public education on animal-related issues. Rescued breeds will include Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Curly Coated Retrievers, Flat Coated Retrievers, Chesapeake Bay Retrievers and Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers.
Professional Therapy Dogs of Colorado